This week's Feature Friday is sponsored by whomever gave my mom a Barnes and Noble gift card, and my friend Josie!
I picked this out pretty randomly at Barnes and Noble this weekend because I had read some of David Levithan's books before and really enjoyed them and I thought the premise was pretty interesting. It's about this teenager who, every morning, wakes up in a new body. The easiest way I can explain it is they're like a spirit that just borrows another person's body each day. They never return to the same body and can only stay for one day. They transfer to another body at midnight every day without fail.
It was literally so interesting. Like can you imagine waking up every day and being someone new, but at the same time being yourself? A, which is what the main character calls themself, is their own being, but every time they enter a new body, they also have access to all of that person's memories and life. As A moves from body to body, they deal with a huge range of issues from mental health issues to addiction to parents who want nothing to do with them to parents who adore them constantly.
It's amazing. It's just so interesting how A goes through these bodies and learns so much about themself and the reality of living and being human as they learn from all of the different lives in which they get to live. Also, because A doesn't identify as a certain gender and is attracted to people rather than genders, which is a reality in which many people live, but rarely are books written to reflect that perspective because society is so accustomed to identifying people in categories that they can understand. In fact, it was a little difficult for me to write this about A without using gendered pronouns because in my head, even knowing A doesn't have a gender, I still label them as a him because the first body in which they wake up is a male, so that stuck with me, even though I know it's wrong. This book definitely gave me a new perspective and I would wholeheartedly recommend it! Plus I've discovered that there's a companion book called
Another Day from the perspective of Rhiannon, one of the people A meets during their story, and so I need to immediately read it.
10/10 new email addresses
Gilmore Girls-Complete Soundtrack Spotify playlist by Lisa Santucci Schvach
Shoutout to my friend Josie for finding this and sharing it in our group chat because it's AMAZING. I forking love Gilmore Girls and this is a collection of basically every song that was every played through the seven seasons of the show.
Because it has such a wide variety of music, I think it's a great playlist for road tripping and probably also for cleaning around the house. I must say, I got a bit distracted listening to it while I was trying to do homework. But I've also seen every single episode of Gilmore Girls numerous times (we're talking around 20, which is A LOT since there are 154 episodes...oops), so I hear these songs and am reminded of the episode they're from and what's going on during it, which is not exactly conducive to finishing my homework. Oh well, I'll keep listening to it at least until the new episodes come out (please don't bother me on November 25th, this is my own personal holiday).